Re: history questions: meat, siberian land bridge, horses in the Americas
Ethan Vishniac (ethan@grendel.as.utexas.edu)
19 Dec 1996 16:19:11 GMT
Roger Dodger <rogerdodger@triax.com> wrote:
>>"Quis tamen tale studium, quo ad primam omnium rerum causam evehimur,
>>tamquam inutile aut contemnendum detractare ac deprimere
>>Ethan T. Vishniac ---> http://grendel.as.utexas.edu/Welcome.html
>Hey Ethan! When you include a long latin quote, please also include a
>translation for the 90+% of us that don't speak, read or write Latin.
No problem.
`Yet who would hear such a study, which would lead us to the first cause of
all things, dismissed or denigrated as useless or contemptible?'
>There is no excuse for common courtesy.
Actually, most of us don't even *try* to excuse common courtesy.
Shameful, isn't it? :-)
Ethan T. Vishniac ---> http://grendel.as.utexas.edu/Welcome.html
Dept. of Astronomy also Associate Professor of Astrophysiology
The University of Texas G.G. Simpson Hereditable Chair of Evilution
Austin, Texas, 78712 University of Ediacara
ethan@astro.as.utexas.edu `Knowledge, Wisdom, Beer'