Re: URL of Science article Re: 30,000 year old Homo erectus

Michael Daunt (
17 Dec 1996 04:54:09 GMT

Thanks. Just finished reading this article. Sounds like they are
stretching quite a bit to come up with their stated range of 27 to 53 kya.
I have a question for the experts out there. Is there a way to obtain
radiocarbon dates directly on the hominid bones. This would seem to be
within the range of that method, and would avoid many of the troubles with
the method used for this article. How the hell did they manage to lose
25,000 non-hominid fossils.

Michael Daunt

Domingo Martinez-Castilla <> wrote in article
| The article of this thread is available free in Science web site, at
| until the end of this year. I have it in front of me now at:
| Now we have to read it, I guess...
| Domingo Martinez Castilla