Re: history questions: meat, siberian land bridge, horses in th
15 Dec 1996 21:03:01 -0700
johnel@ix.netcom.com wrote:
>While living in Meeteetsee, Wyoming (everyone knows where THAT is, right?) and
>after having been a vegetarian for two years, I worked on a ranch feeding 60
>lb. bales of hay to the cattle, after stacking 30 or 40 bales on the ranchers
>pickup, sometimes in 40-below-zero weather. Yeehah! No lack of protein there!!
>(Must have been all those soybeans...)
After hiking three weeks in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness of Idaho and
living only off the plants I identified as edible from two books I brought
in with me, I managed to climb, with my eighty pound pack from the
confluance of the Selway and Clearwater up to the Montana border near El
Capitan. I was so weak and spending so much time in search of food and
spending so much time eating it that I had no strenght to climb out to
Gardiner peak and back to "civilization." I then knew why herbivors spend
so much time eating with their face in the grass. I also knew why my
vegitarian freinds spend so much time eating so much more so much more
often. I almost died. I then shot a little ground squirrel, about the
size of my fist. I ate him and within fifteen minutes I felt like super
man. I climbed right up to Gardiner Peak, back down to the Selway and
out with no problem. I knew then and there that the life of an omnivor
free's up so much more time for so much more in the way of creative and
physical energy. I also knew why lions, wolves and scavengers like
buzzards just lay around for a weak after a big meal. Eating meat which
has been generated by another animal that spends all its time eating is
cost effective and time efficient.
I'll buck bales with you in Meeteetse, Bondurant, Kaycee, Greybull or
wherever. No storebought food. Just what you get from the land and just
what I get from the land. You eat vegitarian, I'll eat omnivourous and
I'll be bucken bales and feeding by sleigh long into the winter after your
dead and frozen on the ground.