Re: Intertidal Archaeology
Dan Barnes (dbarnes@liv.ac.uk)
Fri, 29 Nov 1996 14:21:35 GMT
In article <3299FC95.253D@scms.u-net.com>, life@scms.u-net.com says...
>Message posted on behalf of Gordon Roberts (appologies if this is double
>Erosion at Formby Point (on the Sefton Coast, Northwest England) is
>exposing strata of Holocene sediment, deposited between c. 5000 and 3500
>years B.P. Within some of these laminated silts, the sun-hardened
>footprints of animals (aurochs, red deer, roe deer, unshod horses,
>canidae), birds (cranes, herons, oystercatchers, gulls) and humans (men,
>women, and children) have been preserved. To date, 154 human footprint
>trails have been recorded and analysed. The exposures are ephemeral.
>Once uncovered, these ancient mudflats and their imprint-bearing strata
>are destroyed by subsequent tides and longshore currents. Such open,
>archaeological sites are rare. Other locations of human and/or animal
>prints in Holocene environments are known to include the Severn Estuary
>and Jersey (Channel Islands) in the U.K., and the Pampean Coast of
>Argentines. The author of this report would welcome receiving
>information regarding similar sites worldwide.
Since this is just up the road from me I've been interested in this for a while. The
latest news is that they've uncovered a track made of woven branches that was
used to cross the muddier areas.