research for article

Tamsin Irwin (
Sat, 24 Aug 1996 12:35:21 +0100

We are researching an article on the impact of E-mail on students.
We would be grateful if you could answer the following questions.
If you like you can provide a contact telephone number so we can
talk further.

How often do you log in?

To what extend do you find relationships change because of the use of
E-mail as opposed to

Do you only mail people you have met in person?

Do you find the Net preferable to communicate than to speak in person?

Does E-mail provide the opportunity for you to socially say certain
things you would not usually say, or contact people you would not
usually contact?

How has E-mail effected your University experience?

Thank you for your help

Tamsin Irwin
mailto: j.e.