Re: Do humans affect Nat.Sel?
VITALE (scsc10107014@scsud.ctstateu.edu)
Thu, 13 Apr 1995 18:22:00 GMT
In article <Pine.SGI.3.91.950404001434.29010E-100000@server.uwindsor.ca>, Bonedaddy <parker7@server.uwindsor.ca> writes...
>I just had an interesting question posed me by my girlfriend, a drama
>student of all things...Do humans affect natural selection processes or
>are we a part of it (in our completeness)? I have my own ideas but I'm
>curious as to what other people think...
>U.of Windsor, Canada
>P.S. Bard, stay the hell out of this would ya, we're not interested in
>your thoughts (so to speak).
If you go by the textbook then any thing that influences the selection,
whether good or bad is considered the selecting agent. In this case
I think all could agree that humans have played a pivotal "selecting".