Can we help??

Meredith Bruns (WUMPB@TTACS.TTU.EDU)
Fri, 15 Sep 1995 13:10:13 -0600

Even though she's convinced I'm a "Mr.", I wonder if anyone out here can
help her?
Meredith Bruns

---------- Forwarded message
---------- Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 16:10:49 +0100
From: Fraser Elisabeth <>
Subject: Correspondence courses in anthropology

Dear Mr. Bruns,

Do you have any idea where I could find lots of
correspondence courses in anthropology? I live in
Germany where they require that one have taken Latin
from the age of 10 in order to be allowed to enroll in their
programs.... I'm a do-it-yourselfer and realize that I'd
better try for something out of North America.

I've got an honors BA in Philosophy (admittedly unprovable
nonsense, but I regarded it simply as history of ideas) and,
more to the point, I researched and wrote a book on the
losers of the War of Independence which wound up being
published by a grant from the Ontario Ministry of Culture.
That was the most wonderful experience of my life: I simply
adore fitting together bits of a vanished culture.

Since then I've fallen in love with a medieval town, learned
German, whomped up an exhibit of my own scherenschnitt
and one of my own computer graphics, which I show all over
Germany, and I also offer (profusely illustrated) adult
education classes on the Spirit World of the Iroquois.
(They don't get any New Age nonsense from ME!)

Now it's time to get back to the books. I'm going to do
work on Iroquois mythology, anyway, (where my
background in history of ideas is useful). The only question
is: can I get academic credit for it? Around here it's very
important to have degrees! So it's back to my original
question: how can I find a university where I can take
enough anthropology courses by correspondence in
order to qualify for grad work? (I realize there'd be an
unavoidable residence requirement for grad work, but
I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.) Do you know of
any university that would be willing to take on probation
an empirical, independent-minded, absentee workaholic?

I'd be very grateful for any tips you could give me, and
please feel free to send copies of this letter to whomever
you think might be able to help.

Elisabeth Fraser