Computers And Software for 4-fielders Advice Needed ASAP
Matthew D. Joanis (x8h1@MUSIC.STLAWU.EDU)
Mon, 28 Oct 1996 18:02:48 -0500
Hello Everyone,
Been a few weeks since my last post but I had a monitor glitch and had to
have it replaced. Anyway I need some help. Up here in the frozen wastes we
received a grant for upgrading our Anthro Lab. We are getting a computer
and since I am the only Techno-geek in the Anthro Department here I have
been unofficially placed in charge of trying to figure out what kind of
computer and hardware we should get. I currently favor a PowerMac of some
short w/ a P100 Wintel Card. Something like a PowerMac 7600. I favor this
becasue it will allow us to access software from both sides of the fence.
However if we can forgo this and get one computer thats faster I am for
that. However the problem is I am unsure of the software thats out. In
other words software that can help Undergrads in their research like
multimedia databases, evolutionary modeling programs etc, even Anthro based
statistical programs. Keep in mind I need info on programs that pertain to
every subfield AND the platform or computer requirements ie Mac or PC.
Basically I need to knwo if there is better stuff for the MAC or PC and/or
whether or not it matters. Also any advice from someone who has recently
had to set up a compter for Anthro research on the undergrad level. Also it
would be cool to knwo if there is anything out there for 3D imaging of
hominid fossil remains. Thanks and if its possible I need this info ASAP.
thanks again
Matthew D. Joanis '98
St. Lawrence University
"Ipsa scientia potestas est"