Alicia D Brown (adbrown+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU)
Fri, 27 Oct 1995 14:27:27 -0400

Invitation for articles on the history of emotions in the U.S.

In an effort to advance the field of the history of emotions, Jan Lewis
and Peter Stearns are projecting an edited volume dealing with the
United States, hoping to advance substantive and conceptual work as part
of our larger series in the field. We hope among other things to draw
some scholars in whose relevant work has not been directly applied to
this subject area. We envision a fairly substantial book, and are backed
in this effort by our publisher, New York University Press. We~re aiming
at original pieces, though obviously this can include some adaptations
of existing work. The book is premised on the exciting contribution
emotions history has made, but the need now to extend its range and
develop additional facets.

In setting the book up, we envisage several particular targets: first,
some coverage of major periods in American history, as defined in the
history of emotions, with attention particularly to points of change
(e.g. when colonial patterns began to yield to change etc.). Second,
careful focus on groups other than the white, Protestant, Northern
middle class. This means that we~re eager for essays dealing with
immigrants, African Americans, the working class, American Indians, the
south and west, Catholics, Hispanics. Third, regional and local case
studies. We will also include biographical pieces that speak to larger
issues. And fourth, some attention to particular emotions -- especially
ones not yet subjected to much historical work, such as joy. Here,
treatment of change, causation and impact would be particularly useful.

We stress that our outline is preliminary -- the basic goal is to extend
emotions history beyond its current characteristic boundaries, both to
firm up its place in envisioning American history and to promote
additional research.

We welcome relevant proposals -- at this point, a paragraph will
suffice, along with indications of author~s credentials. We are happy
to try to clarify our plans, via e-mail or telephone. We also welcome
suggestions of topics or authors by others.

We don~t have a time frame yet, though by early l996 I hope we will
begin to be able to set schedules. We will be offering modest honoraria
to authors.

In our judgment, the field of emotions history is ripe for an anthology
of this sort, aimed at extending the reach of existing work. To maximize
impact, the book will appear simultaneously in hard back and paper. We
look forward to hearing from possible collaborators.

Jan Lewis Peter N. Stearns
609-225-6080 412-268-2832
email: email: