Re: Science and Religion

Stephanie Wilson (swilson@BIGCAT.MISSOURI.EDU)
Wed, 26 Oct 1994 11:21:11 -0500

But wasn't there a study recently that correlated suicide with r values,
such that, assuming there is a suicide gene to prompt this action), a
person could actually be improving his r value (through his siblings'
children) because scarce resources would become available to family
members? Assuming this suicide gene was recessive, then the gene could
be transmitted to future generations. Of course, that particular
person's r value would be much higher if he stuck around and had his own

On Fri, 21 Oct 1994, MICHAEL B MCGINNES wrote:

> As a matter of fact, I think science *can* answer the question of "Why
> shouldn't I kill myself, (or at least why don't I), through Biology and -
> gasp - anthorpology. If you kill your self, you will not be able to pass
> your genes, or culture onto the next generation. ie. Killing ones self is
> non-adaptive, and would be selected against, at least if you did so
> before you were beyond breeding age. In human populations, killing
> yourself would remove you as an important rersource to your off-spring,
> even after you are no longer of breeding age, also reducing your
> "fittness."