Re: Nieman-Marcus Cookies

Kimberley C Falk (kcfst1+@PITT.EDU)
Fri, 24 Nov 1995 14:48:59 -0500

In addition to the Nieman-Marcus cookie story, there is one about a rich
woman running her car into young people who stole her parking space that
she had been waiting for (the story was even featured as part of the story
of Fried Green Tomatoes, although I heard it told long before then in
Dallas, TX about a Mobil oil associate). When the woman protests at their
taking her parking space, the young people respond with "we're younger and
faster", the woman responds with several bashes of their car with hers,
saying "I'm richer and have more insurance." Like the cookie story, the
protagonist is always a relative, a coworker, etc.

I think these stories are reflective of a sense of popular justice and
resistance that in the telling provide a sensse of social vindication for
wrong righted.

Other thoughts ...?

Kim Falk
University of Pittsburgh