Re: advice on ethnographies

Maddog (Christopher.Morgan@JCU.EDU.AU)
Tue, 15 Nov 1994 11:28:03 +1000


Get your student to check out Groce, N. (1985) "Everybody Here Spoke Sign
Language". Cambridge, Ma: Harvard University Press. My Phd topic is the
cultural construction of disability, and Groce's book is by far the best
anthropological approach to deafness that I've come across.


>I have a student who has just gotten interested in anthropology.
>She is deaf, and we have had some interesting conversations about
>deaf culture. She is also interested in learning more about American
>Indians, particularly the Sioux. I would be very interested in learning
>if any anthropologists have studied and written about the culture of the
>deaf; and would also greatly appreciate any recommendations concerning
>highly readable ethnographies on American Indians (my own interests
>are more along the lines of symbolic appropriations of peoples, as
>reflected in such writings as Robert Berkhofer, Jr., The White Man's
>Indian: Images of the American Indian from Columbus to the Present,
>and Nash's Red, Black, and White).
>Thanks very much for any assistance you can give me.
>Susan Parman

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? Christopher J. Morgan % Tel: +61 77 81 4304 ?
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