Ethnographic film bibliography
Daniel Winfree Papuga (daniel.papuga@IMA.UIO.NO)
Tue, 9 Nov 1993 13:12:53 +0100
I just recieved the latest issue of "CVA NEWSLETTER" (from: Commission on
Visual Anthropology c/o Peter Ian Crawford, Intervention press,
Castenschioldsvej 7, DK-8270 Hoejbjerg, Denmark). On page 24-5, H.H.
Philipsen and B. Markussen have reviewed a new "BIBLIOGRAPHY OF
ETHNOGRAPHIC FILM" that could be of interest for people who are interested
in both finding out where to get ahold of films and in searching for
literature on them. The bibiography contains more than 3000 references,
including lists of film catalogs. You might suggest it for purchase by your
local library.
R. Husmann, I. Wellinger, J. Ruhl, M. Taureg (eds.)
LIT-Verlag, Hamburg/Munster, Germany, 1993. 310p.
ISBN3-89473-352-7. price: DM 38.00/$25.00
Daniel Winfree Papuga
Department of Social Anthropology
University of Oslo
p.o. box 1091 Blindern
N-0317 Oslo, Norway
E-mail danielp@ulrik.uio.no
FAX (+47) 22854502
Tel. (+47) 22603244 univ.
(+47) 22229853 priv.