Re: shamanism and culture shock

Marie K Conrad (mkconrad@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Sat, 11 May 1996 16:11:30 -0400

Dear Mike et al;
You're very correct in pointing out that the LDS (Mormon) Church does
practice the "laying on of hands," and that this has to do with the faith
of both the "healer" and the "healee." It is, however, referred to as a
"priesthood blessing," and is performed only by (male) priesthood holders
in the LDS church who have attained a certain level in the priesthood
hierarchy - not just "anyone" can give a blessing for healing. It is
considered both a right of the righteous priesthood holder and a great
responsibility. In this light, I would not typify the LDS priesthood
blessing as a shamanistic act.
Marie Conrad

On Sat, 11 May 1996, mike shupp wrote:

> On Sat, 11 May 1996, Daniel Maher wrote:
> > Why has there been no mention of the shamins in American culture? On a
> > weekly basis you can observe in the United States individuals placing
> > hands on others and drawing spirits out of them and inserting new
> > spirits.
> I'd be reluctant to call the laying on hands "shamanistic." It's
> practiced in the Mormon church as well, and the general opinion is
> that what's necessary are the faith of the healer and the person being
> healed. So anyone can be a healer, (Thus dogma; in practice, Mormons
> seem to go to doctors like ordinary mortals.)
> A for-real shaman, in my mind, is someone rather distinct from the rest
> of his/her tribe.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mike Shupp
> California State University, Northridge