Re: texts and Ferraro

Matthew Hill (mhhill@WATARTS.UWATERLOO.CA)
Thu, 2 May 1996 20:10:17 -0400

On Wed, 1 May 1996, John Staeck wrote:

> Howdy. Becareful to check the kinship diagrams in Ferraro's text. At least
> the early copy I once used had inverted (if memory serves me) at least one
> matrilineal/patrilineal diagrams, causing more than a little confusion among


> PS - this is a classical editorial (not authorial (?)) blunder.

Blame probably holds the same way on the illustration of chimp dentition
in Jolly and White (called 5th edition but first four were Jolly and Plog)
where canines are labeled molars. Still, the last person to check the
galleys should be the authors.

Matthew Hill (