Thanks and a further request

David Mearns (d_mearns@BANKS.NTU.EDU.AU)
Thu, 2 May 1996 11:44:22 GMT+0930

To those who were so helpful with references for my student working
on Madagascar my sincerest thanks.

Could I crave your indulgence on behalf another colleague and ask if
anyone has the current address/affiliation of Brent Berlin who was at
UCAL Berkeley. We are also trying to track down C. Moseley (linguist
specialising in central Asia) and Prof. C. Helman (bio-medical
anthropology) and Dr Kerkvliet (material culture). These people are
potential referees for major research project applications whom we
need to contact rather urgently.

Thanks again in anticipation,

David Mearns

David Mearns (Dr)
Associate Dean, Social Sciences,
Faculty of Arts, NTU
DARWIN 0909 N.T.
Tel: (+61 89) 466765
Facs:(+61 89) 466977