questions (fwd)

Anthro-l Listowners & JWA Editors (ANTOWNER@UBVM.BITNET)
Wed, 31 May 1995 18:22:36 EDT

Please do not reply to me on this one. Internet address is listed
in the message!

Hugh Jarvis

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 10:26:15 +0200
From: Lange Bastian <langeb@Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE>
Subject: questions

I found your address in the Internwet catchword "Anthropology".
My name is Bastian Lange (Germany), I'm studing anthropology in Marburg /
Germany. My user number is and I'm working as
an assinstent in the student advisery service.
Four month ago, I started a project, concerning the evaluation of periods
of practical training and the prospect of work (as an ethnologist or
anthropologist) for student studying "ETHNOLOGY" , what is comparable to
cultural anthropology or social anthropology. Studying "ethnology" is
often very theoretical and most of the students forget to go out and see
how and where "ethnologist/anthrologogist work.

What do I have to do, what kind of qualification do I have to learn during
my studies of anthropology?

Where can I get a possibility to extend my knowledge, to get new ideas, to
see, if there is a link between the issues I'm actually studying at
university and the so-called "reality" in , say, LATIN AMERICA?

Professor M!NZEL and me are searching for organistions and institutions and
different groups of people, who are able to help us, finding places, where
students can spenf a period of practical training for a couple of month. We
are especially interested in Latin America.

Most of our students speak spanish, french amd english, a few even some
guarani, and have basic experiences in field research.

So please help us. I would be happy if you send me a message back, even if
you simply know another person, who can help me to get further informations.