Re: films

Caroline Brettell (cbrettel@SUN.CIS.SMU.EDU)
Thu, 18 May 1995 16:51:13 -0500

On Thu, 18 May 1995, Richley Crapo wrote:

> I'm interested in what films others find most useful
> for undergraduate, introductory, general
> anthropology courses.
> Richley Crapo

I use the following films effectively:

A Man Called Bee (to deal with fieldwork)
The Baka (Subsistence Strategies/Hunters and Gatherers; Ihave also used N!ai)
Ongka's Big Moka (for economics and exchange; have also used Annette
Weiner's film on the Trobriand Islands)
Bali: Masterpiece of the Gods (for religion and the arts)
First Contact (for culture change); I have also used the film on the Kayapo
For Gender or Kinship I have used Masai Women and Dadi's Family.

Caroline Brettell