...no subject...

Dale Gall (dale_gall.121201@MUWAYE.UNIMELB.EDU.AU)
Mon, 8 May 1995 19:24:43 +1000

This is my first contribution to this discussion list (though I have
merrily lurked for about a month), I am studying anthropology in Australia at
melbourne Uni, currently third year. It seems that there is a large
difference in approach between the U.S. and Oz with regards to teaching
anthropology and I have found the topics debated a refreshing insight.
Anyway, the debates between single cause theories vs. multiple cause
theories, and the (effective vs. ineffective) use of mathematical principles
in ethnography have led me to raise what I hope will be a good thread.
What would you consider the major impacts of Post-modernism on
anthropological theory and/or ethnography? Any angle would be interesting, I
will respond as best I can!