Lectureship at Queensland University

Bruce Rigsby (rigsby@LINGUA.CLTR.UQ.OZ.AU)
Fri, 5 May 1995 11:48:11 +1000

PhD, or be in the process of completing a PhD) in Anthropology with
emphasis on Sociocultural Anthropology and have fieldwork experience
amongst Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Applications are
especially welcome from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander scholars.=
The successful applicant will be expected to teach Sociocultural
Anthropology subjects in the context of the Department's General
Anthropology program, including subjects concerned with Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander culture and society, and to conduct anthropological
research with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland
or adjacent regions.

Period of appointment: The appointment will be a tenurable
appointment or a five year fixed-term reviewable appointment at the level
of Lecturer. When the appointment is reviewed, the performance of the
incumbent will be a major factor in determining whether an offer of a new
appointment should be made. It would, of course, be possible at that stage
for a new appointment to be tenurable.

The appointee would be expected to take up duties on 1 January

Enquiries about the position and Department, including selection
criteria, can be directed to Dr J. Hall, Anthropology Chairperson, telephon=
(617)365-3235, facsimile: (617)365-1544, email: j.hall@mailbox.uq.oz.au

Salary range: A$42,198-$50,110 per annum.

Method of application: The University requires nine copies (an
original plus eight) of an application and resum=82 together with the names=
addresses, telephone and facsimile numbers of three academic referees.

Applications quoting Reference No. 19095 must be forwarded to the
Director, Personnel Services, The University of Queensland, Brisbane Qld
4072 AUSTRALIA and should reach him no later than 30 June 1995.
