Burnt out on Intro (Cultural) -- Any Ideas?
Michael (moffatt@GANDALF.RUTGERS.EDU)
Sat, 30 Apr 1994 23:12:49 EDT
Would appreciate new ideas of how to teach/what to teach in Intro to
Anthropology, mostly cultural. Have used own collections of readings in
past, Spradley and McCurdy, Anthro 9-, textbook reluctantly (Gross's
Discovering Anthropology, which I and students hated); tend to fall back on
Nisa for basic ethnography. New approaches, concepts? Would like course
to provide background, a little biophysical (another problem, coming up with
good basic stuff here that a socio-cultural can teach -- Gould ok, I guess,
maybe more from Scientific Americans?), but that also reflects new currents.
Another problem being that new currents are so diverse and deconstructionist
that they often undermine the very discipline you're trying to introduce the
kiddies to in the first place. Suggestions? Here or on email?
Michael Moffatt, Anthropology, Rutgers