Wed, 27 Mar 1996 08:00:18 -0500
In message <Pine.HPP.3.91.960326150407.14697A-100000@ace35.wfunet.wfu.edu>
"Dorothy J. Cattle" writes:
> List members:
> In light of the concern over BSE {"mad cow disease"} and its alleged
> transmission to humans, I was wondering if someone on this list could
> provide a brief list of well-written articles/books on kuru which would be
> accessible to/readable by non-anthros. Can post to me off-list. Thanks.
Kuru and prion references:
Gadjusek, DC 1977. Unconventional viruses and the origin and disappearance of
Kuru. Scuence 197:943-960. (reprinted Nobel laureate address)
Pruisner, SB 1995. The prion diseases. Scientific American (Jan):48-57.
Glausiusz, J 1995. A cult of proteins. Discover (Feb):29. (a brief news account
of the prion mechanism)
see also
Arens, W 1979. The Man-Eating Myth. Oxford.