Students and evolution survey
Wed, 6 Mar 1996 14:04:00 CDT
>I received the request included below from a graduate student working on a
>dissertation project in science education. He woul dlike to administer
>questionnaries to students in introductory courses and asked me to pass his
>request on to colleagues. If you would like to help, please contact me or
>Brian wiwith the number of questionnaires you need for your classes.
>Anj Petto
>National Center for Science Education Editorial Office
>Dept ANthro, UW Madison
----------FORWARDED MESSAGE -----------
>>On another issue, I am collecting data for my dissertation from college
>>freshmen around the country (approximately 10 colleges thus far, from
>>community colleges to Harvard). The topic involves students' evolutionary
>>misconceptions. I have designed a 30 question, anonymous, multiple-choice
>>survey that takes 10-15 minutes to complete. Can you help? Do you or does
>>anyone you know teach freshmen classes (science or nonscience)? Would you or
>>they be willing to administer the survey? I will send all the surveys needed
>>with a pre-paid self-addressed return mailer.
>>Thanks for any assistance you can give me,
>Brian ALters
Stephen L. Barclay
Department of Bacteriology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1550 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706