Robert Johnson

Sun, 12 Mar 1995 12:37:32 MST

I agree with Luca Boscardin that Johnson has made significant
contributions to this list, such as others may not find or take the
time to do. I personally want them to continue.

If Danny Yee prefers not to read another word of Johnson,
no one is forcing him to. I've found it much more of
a chore to have to delete the petty replies to Johnson over the past
few weeks than I would to delete Johnson himself if I didn't
like what was coming through. Debate is one thing, name-calling
quite another . . .

Finally, I do not believe that we or Hugh Jarvis have the right to
ban Johnson from sending message unless this decision is put to a
vote of all subscribers and turns out to be a concensus. Have we
forgetten the democratic process, which ought to be our greatest
problem-solving tool?