Africa Research Network
kokebo (kokebo@HACKTIC.NL)
Wed, 23 Mar 1994 13:03:09 +0100
To all those who reacted to my call for an "Africa Research Network-list":
I received a message of the listowner of AFRICA-L that my research list
would cause confusion among readers of ANTHRO-L and among subscribers to
AFRICA-L. Apparently, I did not make it clear that the research list is
not a LIST in the Listserv-meaning of the word. Unfortunately, I did not
deduct from the 'list of lists' the existence of AFRICA-L
For now, I'll put an end to my e-mail directory list of africa
researchers at ANTHRO-L.
If you want to subscribe to AFRICA-L, here's the adress:
'listserv@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu' subscription is as usual: no subject, message:
'SUB AFRICA-L Your Name'
Yet, I still think its usefull to develop an e-mail-list (or
Listvers-list) for people who are actively intrested in
the field, and which gives a better clue to who's on the list. That is,
including some specific information on the fields of intrest of the
subscribers. Greetings, Willem de Wit