Socio-cultural conditioning of grief expression (ancient

Alexandre Rabot (Alexandre.Rabot@MOM.FR)
Tue, 21 Jun 1994 15:59:32 +0100

Dear subscribers,

I'm greatly interested in the history of feelings expression through
ancient societies.

I'm especially working on the impact of children death on adults in the
classic societies and the right of feelings expression according to
historical periods and the sex, age and social status of the bereavers.

Have you some ideas about recent researchs (bibliography, studies etc ...)
on socio-cultural conditioning of grief expression (ethno-anthropological
models and exemples) ?

Thanking you in anticipation !!!

Alexandre Rabot, Lyon (France), June 1994.
Alexandre Rabot
Institut d'Histoire et d'Archeologie de l'Antiquite Classique
Maison de l'Orient Mediterraneen
7, rue Raulin
69007 Lyon
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