Free-will v. Determinism

Fri, 3 Jun 1994 21:27:55 EST

Howard Buzick's post is most interesting. The dialectical process of
thesis - antithesis and synthesis he refers to can also be expressed in
terms of `complementation.' Complementation is a principle that was
individually and separately discovered by Neils Bohr in Physics and
William James in Psychology. It refers to a condition in which two
(for all intents and purposes) seemingly separate and disparate `things'
are actually mutually exclusive representations of a third `thing' -
which acts to provide a common unifying structure of some unknown sort
to the mutually exclusive opposite manifestations.

Good articles on the principles of Complementation and Complementarity
are written by Stephenson . . . and can be found in psychology journals.

Howard's reference to culture as the unifying mechanism is particularly
apt . . . as is the metaphor of the individual cells of the body. While
each type of cell is highly specialized . . . each is unified by its
common genetic makeup.

John O'Brien