Post-modernism and perspective

Jeremy Goldstein // PD-AC-L (goldstei@SMTP.LMS.USACE.ARMY.MIL)
Thu, 2 Jun 1994 07:47:00 -0600

Jeremy Goldstein
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
1222 Spruce ST.
St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 331-8865


All of this discussion of postmodernism, seems out of focus. This is not
going to be a long drawn out tractatus, I simply want to ask some questions: Is
the discussion of feminist and postmodern theory relevant? Does the feminist paradigm
affect the postmodern perspective in such a way that it should be isolated
from the paradigm as a whole? Postmodernism dwells upon questions of context,
thus, the feminist perspective must itself be analyzed, not used to shape one's perceptions.
I don't know. Remember there is no absolute truth in any argument.
I'm just trying to open a new can of worms.
