Re: how applicable/beneficial is anthropology ??

mike shupp (ms44278@HUEY.CSUN.EDU)
Wed, 3 Jul 1996 21:11:15 -0700

On Tue, 2 Jul 1996, John H. Relethford wrote:

> The model you describe could be adapted for anthro courses at those
> schools that have the needed support staff (e.g., grad students for labs,
> recitation sections, etc.). I have always toyed with the idea of having a
> lab/recitation for my intro class, and even have the facilities, but can
> only handle 15 at a time, and would require my teaching 10-12
> lab/recitation sections per term. I'm not that dedicated. But, many
> schools do have the resources, and I think could do something along the
> lines you propose.

I don't think TA's for an introductory anthropology course have
to be anthropology majors themselves-- why not use linguistics
and history majors or biologists or even physical scientists, as
long as they have enough anthropology to stay ahead of the
students? I don't know about SUNY; the graduate students here
at CSUN are mostly not involved in teaching, and given such a
thing as an alternative to the average campus job, I suspect
numbers would jump at the chance.
> The key point that emerges from your description of the 6.01 course is the
> committment of the faculty to education, something many of our colleagues
> lose track of in my experience, preferring to be isolated scholars and/or
> social critics and not teachers. More emphasis needs to be placed on
> teaching in recruitment, promotion, etc.

Thinking about it in retrospect, one of the payoffs of that
approach to teaching undergraduates was that it also taught
a lot of graduate students to take teaching seriously

Mike Shupp
California State University, Northridge