Heizer Award for Ethnohistory: correction
Pauline Turner Strong (pstrong@UTXVMS.CC.UTEXAS.EDU)
Sat, 22 Jul 1995 12:41:15 -0500
[I inadvertently left out crucial information about the Heizer Award in my
previous message. As the corrected version given below indicates, the
committee is considering articles and chapters published in 1994. We also
welcome copies of articles that you think may escape our notice due to
limited availability. PTS]
Each year the American Society for Ethnohistory awards the Robert F. Heizer
Award for the best article published in the field of ethnohistory. In
addition to articles, the selection committee considers chapters published
in edited volumes. In order to have a chapter published in 1994 considered
for the award, please have the publisher send a copy of the book as soon as
possible to the chair of the selection committee, Pauline Turner Strong.
Please post or circulate this notice so that it will come to the attention
of your colleagues in anthropology and history. Thank you.
Pauline Turner Strong
Department of Anthropology
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712-1086