Heizer Prize for Ethnohistory
Pauline Turner Strong (pstrong@UTXVMS.CC.UTEXAS.EDU)
Fri, 21 Jul 1995 10:22:42 -0500
[I am (or was) a new subscriber to this list, and am appalled by the level
of dialogue. In contrast, I am extremely impressed with the conversation
and information on several H-Net and NativeNet lists. What does this say
about the discipline of anthropology? In order to maintain respect for the
discipline and my own peace of mind I find it necessary to drop my
subscription. I invite others to move over to H-Net and NativeNet lists,
where both intellectual and political concerns of anthropologists are
discussed in a reasonable and respectful manner.
Before unsubscribing I want to convey one piece of information:]
This year I am chairing the selection committee for the American Society
for Ethnohistory's Robert F. Heizer Prize for the best article published in
the field of ethnohistory in 1994. In addition to articles, the selection
committee is considering chapters published in edited volumes. If you have
a chapter or know of a chapter that you wish to be considered for the
prize, please have the publisher send a copy of the book to me as soon as
possible. Please pass on this notice to your colleagues in anthropology
and history.
Pauline Turner Strong
Department of Anthropology
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712-1086