New WWW: Native Americans and the Env't

Alx V. Dark (avd5863@IS.NYU.EDU)
Fri, 7 Jul 1995 03:15:15 -0400


Announcing a New WWW Site on
Native Americans and the Environment



A set of WWW pages are now available which cover a wide range
of topics under the broad category of Native Americans and the
Environment, from land and water rights, to fishing, hunting
and forestry, to natural resource management and energy develop-
ment, to the ways in which Native Americans are represented in
environmental discourse.

The site's major research contribution should be its extensive
bibliographies, but there's also a few documents, and annotated
pointers to other resources available through the Internet. We
expect the site to continue to expand for the next several
months coming into the academic year.

Alx Dark, New York University <>
Lisa McArthur, Yale University <>