Project Camelot - Contents

Gessler, Nicholas (gessler@ANTHRO.SSCNET.UCLA.EDU)
Thu, 26 Jan 1995 19:35:00 PST

Jim and Phil et al...

Leaving the synopsis to Jim, since the book is right in front of me I thought
I'd post the "contents" for those interested:

THE RISE AND FALL OF PROJECT CAMELOT, Studies in the Relationship Between
SOcial Science and Practical Politics, edited by Irving Louis Horowitz. The
MIT Press, Cambridge (1974).

I. THE SETTING: The Rise and Fall of Project Camelot by Irving Louis
III. THE ACADEMIC RESPONSE: The Established Order - Do Not Fold, Spindle,
or Mutilate by Marshall Sahlins. American Academic Ethics and Social
Research Abroad - The Lesson of Project Camelot by Kalman H. Silvert. Ethics
and the Social Scientist by Robert Boguslaw. Conflict as Research and
Research as COnflict by Jessie Bernard. Threats from Agency-Determined
Research - The Case of Camelot by Herbert Blumer.
IV. THE POLITICAL RESPONSE: Behavioral Sciences and the National Security
by Dante B. Fascell. America in an Age of Revolution by J.W. Fulbright.
Project Camelot - An Interim Postlude by Theodore R. Vallance. State
Department Procedures for Reviewing Government-Sponsored Foreign Area
Research by George C. Denney, Jr. A Socialist Commentary on Camelot by
Aniceto Rodriguez. A Communist Commentary on Camelot by Jorge Montes.
V. THE GENERAL IMPLICATIONS: Problems of Government Utilization of
Scholarly Research in International Affairs by William R. Polk. The
Necessity for Social Scientists Doing Research for Governments by Ithiel de
Sola Pool. After Camelot by Johan Galtung. Project Camelot and the Science
of Man by Robert A. Nisbet. Social Science and Public Policy - Implications
of Modern Research by Irving Louis Horowitz. The Pentagon Papers and Social
Science by Irving Louis Horowitz.
Nick Gessler