new bib on religion and violence

Eric Silverman (ERICS@DEPAUW.EDU)
Wed, 4 Jan 1995 15:56:43 -0500

While browsing in the new books section of the Univ. Hawaii library, I
came upon the following bibliography. It is quite useful, and would make
a fine addition to any personal and institutional library, and it is germane
to some recent discussions:

The Spirit of Violence: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography of Religion and
Violence. Christopher Candland. Occasional Papers of the H.F.
Guggenheim Foundation, No. 6, NY, 1992.

I do not know how much it costs, nor the publisher's address. Oh, just to
avoid any confusion, I do not have any ties at all to this publication.

It has a general section, and then sections on some of the larger religions
(e.g., Islam) and then if I recall correctly a section on "tribal" religions,
or some such term like that, as well as area sections (e.g., Oceania).

Eric Silverman
DePauw Univ.