Re: Cambridge Univ. Press

Marsha Jane Brofka (m-brofk@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Mon, 19 Feb 1996 13:17:40 -0600

In short, Cambridge University Press recently decided not to publish the
manuscript of Anastasia Karakasidou, _Field of Wheat, Hills of Blood_,
for fear of a terrorist response in Greece. In response, Michael
Herzfeld and Stephen Gudeman have both resigned from CUP's editorial
board and have called for a moratorium on reviews for and manuscripts to
CUP. This situation has been discussed pretty extensively over the last
week or two on H-SAE (the H-Net list for the Society for the Anthropology
of Europe).

Rather than attempt to present a complete account of the
situation (and probably muddle most of the details), I'll refer you to
H-SAE. There, you can find statements from CUP, as well as
Herzfeld/Gundeman's statements and letters of resignation. I'm pretty
sure that you can gopher to the H-SAE archives, but I don't know the
address offhand. (Perhaps someone else out there can help with this?)

Marsha Brofka