Re: Political Economy?

Peter D. Junger (junger@PDJ2-RA.F-REMOTE.CWRU.EDU)
Wed, 14 Feb 1996 12:43:48 -0500

Ruby Rohrlich writes:

: Denise, my elder son, Michael is a political scientist, and some of the
: folks at
: the New School in New York City call themselves political economists. I
: asked Michael, a libertarian, what the difference in the terms connoted,
: and he said that Marxists call themselves political economists. The
: problem now is: can a non-Marxist legitimately call herself a political
: economist?
: On Tue, 13 Feb 1996, Denise Obrien wrote:
: > Political Economy is a buzzword/important theoretical paradigm
: > (take your pick) in anthropology today. I'd like some input from
: > Anthro-Lers. What does this term mean to you? Who does political
: > economy best? What are the most important books in this area?
: > And, is a non-Marxist political economy position feasible or
: > possible?
: > Denise O'Brien
: >

``Political economy'' is the traditional name for that depressing
``science'' that changed its name to ``economics'' when it became a
branch of theology. Thus Marshall and all the other classical
economists taught and wrote political economy, even though their
writings had no to do with Marxist thought than with home economics.

Peter D. Junger--Case Western Reserve University Law School--Cleveland, OH