teaching vs. research

Norman Buchignani (buchignani@HG.ULETH.CA)
Sun, 11 Feb 1996 13:45:10 -0500

>I am an undergradute student studing through distance education. My
>question is what % do professors do on teaching, and what % on their own
>research? Is this option only available for tenure or tenure track? My
>resaon for asking is although I am only an undergrad, I want a career in
>Anthropology, and are interested in the academic load.
>Thank you for your time
>Jacinta Miller

North American pan-disciplinary surveys indicate a time split of about 60%
teaching, 30% research, 10% university and community service. At my
university we normally are annually assessed at a 40-40-20% distribution.

Norman Buchignani
University of Lethbridge