Tail end of colonialism and biting realities
John Stevens (8859jstev@UMBSKY.CC.UMB.EDU)
Wed, 15 Feb 1995 12:53:36 EDT
Hi folks! Just a few quick suggestions on the above. First, one of the
better implicit discussions of the intersection between intellectual and
political aftereffects of colonialism is Virginia Dominguez's "Invoking
Culture: The Messy Side of Cultural Politics," In *South Atlantic Quarterly*
1992 (Damn, don't have the page ##s handy). I actually just read it (as
prep for grad school; you still looking for testimony, Mike Lieber?) and it
made me think about the discursive context of the recent debate on colonialism
and also about the embedded assumptions of anthropological epistemology that
none of us (hero, villain, schmuck or fanatic) can escape. It is as very
suggestive and readable article that has stimulated my thinking about my
current project on 19th century ethnology and the history of anthro.
I also picked up John McCreery's post on "realities" (thanks, JM!) and I
hadn't seen much response to it. Then again, I haven't changed back from
digest to mail, so I probably missed a few posts. I'm curious what people
thought about the reality thang, since I think that this can inform our
thinking about colonialism, our practice of anthropology, and our readings
and interpretations of the intellectual environment we all work in.
Also, has anyone read Nicholas Thomas' *Colonialism's Culture*? I'm always
on the lookout for good, insightful treatments of 19th century culture, esp.
where it intersects with the "savage others" that so many Victorians found
fascinating and made a living off of. Also, anyone with suggestions on
obscure readings regarding late nineteenth century anthropology? If not,
anyone care to banter about that which Mr. Johnson believes isn't worth our
Best regards,
John Stevens
University of Massachusetts @ Boston