Request for help

James Carrier (James.Carrier@DURHAM.AC.UK)
Fri, 10 Feb 1995 10:45:37 +0000

10 February, 1995

Dear Folks,

I am teaching a course in the Spring, some of which deals with the
distinction between biological and social death. As part of this, I want
to introduce the idea that slavery is a social death.
Sadly, however, all that sticks in my mind is a memory that there
was a flurry of literature on slavery and social death. I do not remember
what any of that literature is (though I do have a cryptic reference to
Kopytoff and Meyer -- no other details, just the names).
So, if anyone can suggest accessible readings on the topic I
would be quite grateful.


James G. Carrier
Durham Anthropology / 43, Old Elvet / Durham DH1 3HN