Re: your mail

Robert Johnson (johnsorl@COLORADO.EDU)
Wed, 8 Feb 1995 08:43:45 -0700

On Wed, 8 Feb 1995, Professor Robert Thornton wrote:

> Robert Johnson prescription of more bloody violence as a means of
> 'purchasing justice' for South Africa clearly shows that he is a
> couple of bricks short of a full load.
> Violence only purchases violence, and who can purchase Justice for
> any price? Violence is no solution, it is the problem, certainly in
> Africa.
> Robert Johnson's pompous and gnomic remarks to this effect lead me to
> dismiss him entirely, except I know from long experience in this
> contient, among others, how dangerous such beliefs are. I would
> suggest Mr. Johnson read the old novel _The Ugly AMerican_ for some
> perspective on his own position, and any novels by Graham Greene.
> Beyond that, there is clearly little point to debating
> fundamentalists.
> =====Professor Robert Thornton, Department of Social Anthropology====
> University of the Witwatersrand, PO Wits, 2050 Johannesburg
> South Africa
> Office tel. : (011) 716-2900
> Secretary, fax and answering machine: (011) 716-2766
> Home tel: (011) 646-2578
> ---------------------"The New South Africa"--------------------------