acculturation, systems theory materials

Brad M Biglow (bmb@PINE.CSE.NAU.EDU)
Sat, 12 Feb 1994 15:36:05 -0700

to acculturation studies of Hispanic immigrants and corresponding theories.
As I am working primarily with issues relevant to adults and adult education
of first-generation immigrants from Mexico, anything pertaining to them or
even acculturation studies in general would be much appreciated. This is all
for a current ethnography project I am engaged in that will eventually form
part of curriculum development and community job/education training
programs for urban-minority development.

Secondly, anybody remember the old Systems Theory perspective from the mid-
60's to 70's? I am searching for good source books with this methodological
framework in mind. In other words, the "basics."

Thank you much folks! :-)

Brad M. Biglow
Graduate Student
Dept. of Anthropology
Northern Arizona University