FAQ: Net Resources of Interest to Anthropologists
Sun, 6 Feb 1994 11:35:12 -0500
Compiled By: allen h. lutins (al2032@thor.albany.edu)
Release: 2.0
Last Update: February 1994
Posted to: ANTHRO-L, ARCH-L, sci.anthropology, sci.archaeology
This list is intended for those who already have a grasp of how to use such
net tools as listserv, ftp, telnet, gopher, and World Wide Web. Feel free to
contact me with corrections, updates and comments, but if you need further
assistance in utilizing these resources, please see the list at the
end of this document! I don't have the space to thank everyone who's
contributed so far, but i must acknowledge Peter Stott's "Internet Resources
for Heritage Conservation, Historic Preservation and Archaeology" as a very
useful resource (write to him for a copy: pstott@jade.tufts.edu)
I'd like to make this available via gopher--anyone willing to archive this at
a site with gopher access (and preferably ftp access as well)?
ANTHAP (open only to members of Society for Applied Anthropology or National
Association of Practicing Anthropologists) -- Applied anthropology news,
announcements, jobs, etc.
apply to anthap-request@oakland.bitnet {not a server}
anthro-L -- Anthropology
apply to listserv@ubvm
aia-L -- Archaeology & Technology
apply to mailserv@cc.brynmawr.edu (moderated)
messages to aia-request@cc.brynmawr.edu
arch-L -- Archaeology
apply to listserv@dgogwdg1
devel-L -- Technology transfer in international development
apply to listserv@auvm
ethmus-l -- Ethnomusicology
apply to listserv@umdd
ethno -- Ethnomethodology/conversation analysis
apply to comserve@rpiecs
messages to ethno@rpiecs
ethnohis -- Ethnology and history
apply to listserv@hearn
folklore -- Folklore
apply to listserv@tamvm1
humbio-L -- Human Biology
apply to mailserv@fauvax
intercul -- Intercultural communication
apply to comserve@rpiecs
messages to intercul@rpiecs
lore -- Folklore
apply to listserv@ndsuvm1
museum-L -- Museum issues
apply to listserv@unmvm
NativeNet -- For those interested in "native cultures"
contact Gary Trujillo {gst@gnosys.svle.ma.us}
pacarc-l -- Pacific Rim archaeology
apply to listserv@wsuvm1
xcult-x -- Intercultural communication
apply to listserv@umrvmb
Name Topic
---- -----
alt.native Native American issues
sci.anthropology anthropology
sci.anthropology.paleo evolution of humans and other primates
sci.archaeology archaeology
soc.misc miscellaneous social issues
soc.* issues pertaining to culture area or country "*"
ftp.cit.cornell.edu /pub/special/NativeProfs/usenet
Native American information
ftp.halcyon.com /pub/FWDP
Fourth World Documentation Project--Information on indigenous peoples
ftp.tex.ac.uk /pub/archaeology [?]
Archaeology software; "World Archaeological Council News"
ftp.uu.net /pub/linguistics
Linguistics archive: syllabi, handouts, fonts, lexica, software, papers,
digests, more!
ftp.u.washington.edu /public/calib
Radiocarbon calibration program for IBMs
grv.dsir.govt.nz /Archaeometry
Archaeology software; Use "cd [.archaeometry]"
info.umd.edu /info/Government/US/Cesus-90
Census information
* USGS maps
oak.oakland.edu /pub/msdos/mapping
GIS software (OzGIS)
rascal.ics.utexas.edu /misc/misc
State Dept. travel Advisories
seq1.loc.gov /pub/vatican.exhibit & pub/deadsea.scrolls.exhibit
On-line museum exhibits
sparky2.esd.mun.ca /pub
Geology software
spectrum.xerox.com /pub/map
USGS maps, census data, etc.
ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu /hcf
"Computing & Humanities" archive
Acadame This Week
(Chronicle of Higher Education; new issue every Tuesday at noon;
extensive digest, includes articles, listings of jobs, conferences, grants,
etc.) Server: chronicle.merit.edu
Anthropology information
Server: toto.ycc.yale.edu 7000 select `Archaeology Academics' from the
phone book.
Server: uniwa.uwa.edu.au; select `Departmental', then `people with a
common interest'
Archaeology information/software
Server: ftp.tex.ac.uk; select item 4 (Archaeology)
Archnet (Prehistoric archaeology of the northeast)
Server: spirit.lib.uconn.edu [OR use World Wide Web server; see below]
Classics and Archaeology
Server: rome.classics.lsa.umich.edu
Historical documents
Server: scilibx.ucsc.edu; select items 7 (The Library), then 3 (Electronic
Books and Other Texts), then 19 (Historical Documents).
Library of Congress Machine-Assisted Realization of the Virtual
Electronic Library
Server: marvel.loc.gov; or telnet to marvel.loc.gov and login as
Native American Issues and Culture
Server: absolut.gmu.edu
Primate Information Net
Server: gopher.primate.wisc.edu
UC-Berkeley Museum
Server: ucmp1.berkeley.edu
USGS data & reports
Server: merlot.welch.jhu.edu; select the following menu choices
from each succeeding menu: 13 (search/retrieve software), 8 (search/
retreive graphics), 3 (search all), then 2 (graphics software).
Archnet (Prehistoric archaeology of the northeast)
Server: http://spirit.lib.uconn.edu/HTML/archnet.html [or use gopher
server; see above]
Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology World Wide Web server
Server: http://rome.classics.lsa.umich.edu/projects/lepti/lepti.html
Server: http://life.anu.edu.au/landscape_ecology/pollen.html
UC-Berkeley Museum of Paleontology hypertext server
Server: http://ucmp1.berkeley.edu:80/welcome.html
Anthropology News Network
Makes anthropological perspectives on news and issues available to the
public; write to stephens@chuma.csc.usf.edu (Daniel Stephens) for more
Coombspapers Data Bank
Electronic repository of social science & humanities research papers and
documents; ftp to coombs.anu.edu.au & get file INDEX from directory
`coombspapers' (available via Gopher as well).
World Systems Archive
Announcements, documents, data, biographical and publications information;
ftp to csf.colorado.edu and connect to directory `wsystems'.
National Archaeological Database
Telnet to cast.uark.edu
The Internet Companion, A Beginner's Guide To Global Networking
by Tracy LaQuey with Jeanne C. Ryer. Addison-Wesley Publishing.
Includes a detailed history of the Internet, a discussion on "netiquette"
(network etiquette), and how to find resources on the net.
The Whole Internet
by Ed Krol. O'Reilly & Associates. ISBN: 1-56592-025-2. 400 pages. $24.95 US.
Covers the basic utilities used to access the network and then guides users
through the Internet's "databases of databases" to access the millions of
files and thousands of archives available; from the folks who brought you "The
Whole Earth Catalog."
Zen & the Art of Internet
by Brendan Kehoe. Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-13-010778-6. 112 pages. $22.00 US.
A good reference to consult if you're curious about what can be done with the
The Internet Guide for New Users
McGraw-Hill, 1993.
Discusses telnet, FTP, and Archie, and suggests how to get an Internet
account; teaches enough UNIX to survive on the net.
A Student's Guide to UNIX
by Harley Hahn. McGraw Hill (College Division). ISBN: 0-07-025511-3.
Everything you need to know about the Unix operating system and the Internet,
including Unix commands, utilities, netnews, ftp, gopher, etc.