ANTIQUITY Nos. 265 & 266
Fri, 22 Dec 1995 11:16:35 EST
Editor: Christopher Chippindale & Cyprian Brodbank
v. Christopher Chippindale - Preface.
v. Radiocarbon determinations and their citation.
vi. Australia and Papua New Guinea.
vii. Jim Allen and James F. O'Connell.
649 David Frankel - The Australian Transition: real and
perceived boundaries.
656 A. Peter Kershaw - Environmental change in Greater
676 Paul S.C. Tacon and Sally Brockwell - Arnhem Land
prehistory in landscape, stone and paint.
696 Colin Pardoe - Riverine, biological and cultural
evolution in southeastern Australia.
714 Nick Porch and Jim Allen - Tasmania: archaeological
and palaeoecological perspectives.
733 Peter Veth - Aridity and settlement in northeast
747 M.J. Morwood and D.R. Hobbs - Themes in the
prehistory of tropical Australia.
769 Douglas Edwards and James F. O'Connell - Broad
spectrum diets in arid Australia.
784 Simon Holdaway - Stone artefacts and the Transition.
798 J.M. Beaton - The Transition of the coastal fringe of
Greater Australia.
807 Chris Gosden - Arboriculture and agriculture in coastal
Papua New Guinea.
818 Geoff Hope and Jack Gosden - Late Quaternary
change in the mountains of New Guinea.
831 D.E. Yen - The development of Sahul agriculture with
Australia as bystander.
848 David Harris - Early agriculture in New Guinea and the
Torres Strait divide.
855 James F. O'Connell and Jim Allen - Human reactions to
the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Greater Australia: a
# 266 (December 1995) Now Available
863 Christopher Chippindale - Editorial.
871 Tim Murray and Jim Allen - The forced repatriation of
cultural properties to Tasmania.
874 Fekri A. Hassan - The world Archaeological Congress in
India: politicizing the past.
877 Robert G. Bednarik - The Coa petroglyphs: an obituary
to the stylistic dating of Palaeolithic rock art.
883 Joao Zilhao - The stylistically Palaeolithic petroglyphs of
the Coa valley (Portugal) are of Palaeolithic age: a refutation
of their 'direct dating' to recent times.
902 Jean-Philippe Rigaud , Jan F. Simek, and Thierry
Ge - Mousterian fires from Grotte XVI (Dordogne, France).
913 Roger Anyon and T.J. Ferguson - Cultural resources
management at the Pueblo of Zuni, New Mexico, USA.
931 Marcel Otte, Isin Yalcinkaya, Jean-marc Leotard, Metin
Kartal, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Janusz kozlowski, Ignacio Lopez
Bayon, and Alexander Marshack - The Epi-Palaeolithic of
Okuzini cave (SW Anatolia) and its mobiliary art.
945 Sandra Bowdler - Offshore islands and maritime
explorations in Australian prehistory.
959 Irene Good - On the question of silk in pre-Han Eurasia.
969 Gabriel Cooney and Stephen Mandal - Getting to the
core of the problem: petrological results from the Irish Stone
Axe Project.
981 Roger Featherstone, Peter Horne, David MacLeod, and
Robert Bewley - Aerial reconnaissance in England - 1995.
989 Bruce A. Bradley, Michael Anikovich and Engenii
Giria - Early Upper Palaeolithic in the Russian Plain:
Streletskayan flanked stone artefacts and technology.
999 Ghada Ziadeh - Ethno-history and 'reverse chronology'
at Ti'innik, a Palestinian village.
1009 Michael Fulford and Ian Tyers - The date of
Pevensey and the defence of an 'Imperium Britanniarum.'
1015 Chris Salisbury - An 8th-century Mercian bridge over
the Trent at Cromwell, Nottinghamshire, England.
1019 Olwen Williams-Thorpe, D. Graham Jenkins, Judith
Jenkins, and John Watson - Chlorine-36 dating and the
bluestones of Stonehenge.
1020 Jeff D. Leach and Raymond P. Mauldin - Additional
comments on blood residue analysis of archaeology.
1023 Anne and Michael Eastham - Palaeolithic images and
the Great Auk.
1025 Sarah L.R. Mason - Acorn-eating and ethnographic
analogies: a reply to McCorriston with comment by Joy
1031 Cyprian Broodbank - Among the new Books.
1036 Out of Africa and out of context - Thurstan Shaw
and Kevin C. MacDonald reviewing; Phillips (ed.) Africa:
the art of a continent.
1040 A tomb with a view - Andrew Fleming reviewing;
Tilley (ed.). Interpretative archaeology & Tilley. A
phenomenology of landscape: places, paths, and
1042 Women in archaeology: perils and progress - Tracey
Cullen reviewing; Nelson, Nelson & Wylie (ed.) Equity issues
for women in archaeology & Claassen (ed.) Women in
1046 Return of the living dead: mortuary analysis and the
New Archaeology revisited - Mike Parker Pearson reviewing;
Beck (ed.) Regional approaches to mortuary analysis.
1049 Incision notation and method in engraving pebbles of
the European late Palaeolithic - Alexander Marshack
reviewing; D'Errico L'Art grave azilien: de la technique a la
1051 East is east and west is west, and never the two
shall meet? new books on South Asian archaeology - Robin
Coningham reviewing; Singh Excavations at Narhan.
& Deraniyagala The prehistory of Sri Lanka: an ecological
& Parpola and Koskikallio South Asian Archaeology 1993:
proceedings of the twelfth international conference of the
European Association of South Asian archaeologists held in
Helsinki University 5-9 July 1993.
& Mabbett and Chandler The Khmers.
& Dhavalikar Cultural imperialism: Insud civilization in
western India.
& Archaeology in Southeast Asia: conference papers.
1055 The illustrated history of humankind: archaeology by
(extended) south bite - Brian Fagan reviewing. The
illustrated history of humankind: Burenhult (ed.) The first
humans: human origins and history to 10,000 BC.
& Burenhult (ed.) People of the stone age: hunter-gatherers,
and early farmers.
& Burenhult (ed.) Old World civilizations: the rise of cities
and states.
& Burenhult (ed.) New World and Pacific civilizations:
cultures of America, Asia, and the Pacific.
& Burenhult (ed.) Traditional peoples today: continuity and
change in the modern world.
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