anthro-l -- some figures

Danny Yee (danny@STAFF.CS.SU.OZ.AU)
Thu, 22 Dec 1994 13:13:21 +1000

Here's some figures that may interest list members. In the year to
31st October 1994, anthro-l moved 4274 messages totalling over 200 000
lines, 1.4 million words and about 10 Megabytes.

1017 people contributed to the list during the period in question.
(Counting people with multiple addresses twice -- automated reduction
of mail addresses to uniform format is a decidedly non-trivial problem.)
Of these, 558 people sent just one message to the list. I list
everyone who posted 15 or more messages to the list. (I've done some
merging of multiple entries -- it's suprisingly easy to do by eye --
but have left two for Hugh Jarvis, as I think one is from his automated
listowner postings.)

15 Christopher Pound
15 Glenn Stone
15 Jackson M Roper
15 Janette Wilson
15 Tracy Brown
16 Daniel A Ponech
16 Margaret Steiner
16 Michael Bauser
16 Nancy Bowles
16 Rob Quinlan
16 Stephanie Nelson
18 Tom Riley
17 John McCreery
17 Lisa Mitten
17 wytchwomyn
18 Gregory A. Finnegan
18 Karen Szala-Meneok
19 Anj Petto
19 Dave Rindos
19 Eric Silverman
19 Tibor Benke
20 Gessler, Nicholas (G) ANTHRO
20 Reed D Riner
21 John Stevens
22 Jacobs Kenneth
22 Matthew Hill
23 Michael Forstadt
24 Cliff Sloane
25 Patricia Clay
25 carter pate
26 Cal Eastman
28 Dan Jorgensen
37 mike salovesh
30 ray scupin
32 David Heller
34 douglass st.christian
36 Brad M Biglow
39 Stephanie Wilson
44 Douglas B Hanson
44 Anita Cohen-Williams
46 Hugh Jarvis
46 James G. Carrier
51 wilkr
55 Bonnie Blackwell
59 Danny Yee
59 Michael John Evans
96 SS51000
100 John Mcreery
115 Hugh Jarvis
116 Daniel A. Foss
120 Steve Mizrach
125 John O'Brien
138 Read, Dwight ANTHRO

And here's a line whose presentation in the archive files I'm curious
(This might break the archive, but won't break the exploder.)

Danny Yee.

P.S. If anyone wants more data, or a statistical analysis, I'm happy
to oblige.