Re: applied anthropology

Tue, 13 Dec 1994 11:32:23 EST

My impression has been that applied anthropologists are more
versatile and more sought after than anthropologists in the
international development field, esp. if they also have quantitative
skills. This whole discussion seeems rather out-of-date since most of
what has been said has already been said a long time ago by applied
anthropologists. I am glad some non-applied colleagues are finally
finding out.

My biggest complaint of our non-applied colleagues is why they think
preparing a student to be a professor of anthropology is their most
important training assignmment. The world is a much larger place than
just where universities are located.

The problem starts at the undergraduate level, because in many
institutions anthropology professors do not think that there are any
decent jobs for a person with a B.A. in Anthropology. Life does not
begin at the M.A. ! Let's give students a broad introductory exposure
to applied anthropology at the beginning of their undergraduate
training. Perhaps an applied anthropology course should be one of the
first courses taught rather than one of the last courses in the

James M. (Tim) Wallace
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
North Carolina State University
Box 8107, Raleigh, NC 27695-8107
tel: 919-515-2491
email: <Internet>