CONTACT conference information
lynn maners (ICZY013@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU)
Tue, 6 Dec 1994 09:05:00 PST
Jim Funaro,who organizes CONTACT, is at<funaro@ucscb.ucsc.edu>. The 12th (!) CO
NTACT conference will be held March 10-12th, 1995. Details from Jim.
(Science)Fictionally Yours,
PS-interested in reviewing s/f and fantasy books? I'm helping a newish (6 issue
s so far) s/f & f magazine get started and there are a bunch of novels availabl
e for review. No pay, but you get to keep the book, often an uncorrected proof,
and the citation credits you as the reviewer. Contact me directly if you're int
erested and I'll send you a list of what's available.