
Jordi Juan-Tresserras (juan@TRIVIUM.GH.UB.ES)
Fri, 30 Aug 1996 00:00:55 +0200


By way of an introduction my name is Jordi Juan-Tresserras and I am
currently working as archaeobotanist at the SERP at Universitat de
Barcelona, Spain. My research is focused in the plant processing through the
identification of plant microrremains (phytoliths, starch grains,..) and
biochemical markers (lipids, alkaloids,...) from activity soils, artifacts
and human remains. I mainly centred my research in the food preparation and
diet patterns in different archaeological sites from the Iberian Peninsula
(Spain & Portugal) and other international archaeological expeditions.

The specific activities include documenting the use of plants for human
groups and ethnobotanical field research. My research included documenting
the traditional processes and uses of plants as foods, beverages, fibers,
fragrances, soaps, and drugs, mainly in the Iberian Peninsula.

I am glad to find so many interesting people in this group and thanks for
the opportunity to join.




Jordi Juan i Tresserras
Unitat d'Arqueobotanica
SERP/Dept.Prehistoria, H. Antiga i Arqueologia
Baldiri i Reixac, s/n Torre B pis 11 tel/fax: +34.3.4248035
E-08028-Barcelona e-mail:
(Espanya, Unio Europea)

"Cada epoca de la historia modifica el fogon, y cada pueblo come segun su
alma, antes tal vez que segun su estomago" - Pardo Bazan
