Re: Bio Anthro Lists

Kristen Knutson (kristenk@NWU.EDU)
Tue, 13 Aug 1996 10:14:58 -0500

>Anybody know of any Bio Anthro lists?
>Kathy Thoma
>National-Louis University

There is a Physical Anthropolgy listserv called Pan-L (although it's not
very active). To subscribe, send a message to: LISTSERV@FREYA.CC.PDX.EDU
with the text "subscribe Pan-l Kathy Thoma"

There is also a Primatology listserv. Send a message to:, with a similar message "subscribe primatology
Kathy Thoma".

Both listservs send out more information once you are subscribed.

If there are other Bio Anthro listervs I would be interested in finding out
about them.

Kristen Knutson