Re: Animal culture?

Allen Gardner (gardner@UNR.EDU)
Mon, 5 Aug 1996 11:51:01 -0700

On this subject, may I recommend:

R.A. Gardner, B.T. Gardner, A.B. Chiarelli, & F.X. Plooij (Eds) (1994)
_The ethological roots of culture_, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

[note there is no "n" in ethology]

This is a volume in the NATO ASI series and has a ridiculous price per
copy. If a faculty member writes to Kluwer, however, explaining that the
book will be used for a university course with an enrollment of at least
five, then any volume in this ASI series can be purchased at the group
rate of $40/copy.

write to:
Mrs. Barbara Kester
Publication Coordination Office
Elcerlyclaan 2 B-3090
Overijse, Belgium
Fax 011-32-2-687-9882

Allen Gardner
University of Nevada/296
FAX 702-784-1126