Society for Psychological Anthropology's Fourth Biennial Meeting

Anthro-l Listowners & JWA Editors (ANTOWNER@UBVM.BITNET)
Mon, 14 Aug 1995 13:15:40 EDT

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----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The 4th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Psychology
Anthropology will be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, beginning at 8AM
on Friday, October 6 and ending at 1PM on Sunday, October 8, 1995.
The scheduled sessions and their organizers are:
Friday AM:
Psychological Anthropology: State of the Field
Naomi Quinn, organizer
Friday PM, I
Culture and Memory
Claudia Strauss, organizer
The Psychology of Social Movements
Stephen Leavitt, organizer
Friday PM, II
Bioculture: A Paradigm in the Making
Roy D'Andrade, organizer
The Politics of Person, Identity & Emotion in Puerto Rico
Janis Jenkins/Roberto Lewis-Fernandez, organizers
Saturday AM
Culture, Psychology, and the Construction of Race
Lawrence Hirschfeld, organizer
Saturday PM
Lacan and Anthropology
Waud Kracke/Lucia Villela, organizers
Life Course Transitions in Modern Societies
Thomas A. Shaw, organizer
Sunday AM
The Psychology of Media Images and Cultural Symbols
Steve Derne, organizer
In addition, a Friday bag lunch roundtable will be devoted to the
teaching of psychological anthropology. A Saturday evening banquet
will be followed by the distinguished lecture: Psychologist Drew
Westen will speak on "Integrating Cognitive Science and Contemporary
Psychoanalytic theory: Implications for Psychological Anthropology."
The program has been planned to minimize concurrent sessions and to
insure ample audience discussion time.
The meeting will be held at the Radisson-Normandie Hotel in San
Juan. Room rates, single or double, are $120. THE ABSOLUTE DEADLINE
SEPTEMBER 1. A packet containing the hotel registration form, the
meeting preregistration form, and the preliminary program can be
obtained from the American Anthropological Association office by
calling Elizabeth Price, the AAA Meetings Assistant, at 703/528-1902,
ext. 3025 or by contacting her by email at
To make discount airline arrangements, call American Airlines at
800/433-1790 and be sure to mention the Star File code, #1405UF.
Travel arrangements can also be made through Conventions in America
at the discounted rate, by calling 800/929-4242, asking for Group
391, and specifying the name, dates and place of the meeting.
One of the finest examples of art deco architecture of the 1940s
and an historic national landmark, the Radisson-Normandie is on the
beach, centrally located between Old San Juan and the Condado area.
Puerto Rican anthropologists hope to host a reception in Old San Juan
Thursday night, before the meeting.
Individuals needing evidence of official participation in order
to be eligible for institutional reimbursement, or having other
questions or problems, should contact SPA President and meeting
organizer Naomi Quinn, Department of Cultural Anthropology, Duke
University, Box 90091, Durham, NC 27708-0091; 919/684-2810; or